The mixed-methods research approach is a method that combines qualitative and quantitative research methods to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a particular phenomenon or research subject. In this method, both qualitative and quantitative data are collected, analyzed, and interpreted to produce valid and reliable results.
The mixed methods approach recognizes that different research questions and objectives require different approaches. Qualitative methods such as interviews, observations, and focus groups allow researchers to gain deeper insights into participants' subjective experiences, opinions, and attitudes. These methods are particularly useful for examining complex social phenomena and providing contextual information. Qualitative research makes it possible to generate hypotheses and describe phenomena more comprehensively.
Quantitative methods, such as surveys, tests, and statistical analysis, provide opportunities to collect and analyze numerical data. These methods allow researchers to use large samples and identify statistically significant relationships and patterns. Quantitative research allows researchers to test hypotheses, uncover cause-and-effect relationships, and produce generalizable results.
The mixed-methods approach integrates these two approaches to capitalize on their respective strengths and balance their weaknesses. By combining qualitative and quantitative methods, researchers can paint a more comprehensive and meaningful picture of a research subject.
The goal is to combine the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative and quantitative research approaches so that the advantages of both methods eliminate the disadvantages.
Further details are well described in the following article, for example: