Writing a student paper scientifically is not easy the first time. There is a lot of literature on the topic of scientific writing. In the end, it's all about the structure and evidence that leads to the gain in knowledge. At this point, not only a few useful tips and supporting literature references, but also the reference to a framework that allows the author a goal-oriented writing.
At the latest when writing the master's thesis, it is called independent editing. There is not always an identical procedure, and it differs in the disciplines. There are a few basic rules to follow.
The paper has a clear thread with a stringent argumentation, which is supported by evidence.
Especially general statements should be used carefully because they have to be valid. Words like many, mostly, frequently, little, often should be avoided and should serve as a summary. Example: Instead of "many", "8 out of 10" is a statement with higher value and validity. After making this statement, "many" can be used again in a conclusion - if no other way is possible. However, please always use it with caution. But what is an optimal structure and how do you get the necessary clarity in the text to also publish successfully?
We know that contributions are often lost due to a lack of structure and clarity. Often there is a lack of time to set the right framework, to understand the community or economically the market or to know a feasible structure. In this context, my colleagues and I have written an article (Publish or Perish: A Scientific Blueprint for a Journal Article) as a framework recommendation for structuring scientific papers to provide them as authors a scientific blueprint for most submissions especially in the International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP).
Our many years of expertise and experience in the field have enabled us to gain valuable insights into the preparation of papers. We highlight typical mistakes and present insights to avoid them. Furthermore, we take a look at the specific parts of an article to clarify the expectations of the editors. Additionally, we present a lightweight approach that authors can use to quickly dive into writing.
Our proposed framework helps them authors organize their thoughts, make the structure of the paper publishable, and reduce time to market. This proven blueprint can be used by them as authors to streamline their writing processes to make their contributions more successful. We are convinced that this approach will help you as authors to optimally prepare your contribution and pave the way to publication.
I personally found two books very helpful:
Further books for scientific writing
In Information Systems, the leading organization is the Association for Information Systems (AIS). This organization has combined the leading journals in a so-called AIS “Basket of Eight”. This collection of TOP journals is also called the “Senior Scholars' Basket of Journals”.
Table 1 contains these journals [1]:
Journal |
Known Notation |
Abbreviation |
European Journal of Information Systems (until 2017) European Journal of Information Systems | Taylor & Francis Online (since 2018) |
European Journal of Information Systems |
0960-085X |
Information System Journal |
1350-1917 |
Information System Research |
1047-7047 |
Journal of AIS |
1536-9323 |
Journal of Information Technology |
0268-3962 |
Journal of MIS |
0742-1222 |
Journal of Strategic Information Systems |
0963-8687 |
MIS Quarterly |
0276-7783 |
Further information under: https://aisnet.org/?SeniorScholarBasket.
Example: Search with Scopus:
TITLE-ABS-KEY ("Digitale Transformation”) AND (ISSN(0960-085X) OR ISSN(1350-1917) OR ISSN(1047-7047) OR ISSN(1536-9323) OR ISSN(0268-3962) OR ISSN (0742-1222) OR ISSN(0963-8687) OR ISSN(0276-7783))
Figure 1 illustrates the search on www.scopus.com.
Example: Search with EBSCOhost:
EBSCOhost works only conditionally with ISSN, therefore modify the query string.
((((((((JN “MIS Quarterly”)) OR (JN “European Journal of Information Systems”)) OR (JN “Information Systems Journal”)) OR (JN “Information Systems Research”)) OR (JN “Journal of the Association for Information Systems”)) OR (JN “Journal of Information Technology (Palgrave Macmillan)”) OR (JN “Journal of Information Technology (Routledge, Ltd.)”) OR (JN “Journal of Information Technology & Economic Development”)) OR (JN “Journal of Management Information Systems”)) OR (JN “MIS Quarterly”)
EBSCOhost also uses other parameters for narrowing down the search
((TI “digital transformation”) OR (AB “Digital transformation”) OR (KW “digital transformation”))
Figure 2 illustrates the procedure for the database EBSCOhost.
[1] AIS 2016: Senior Scholars' Basket of Journals, Assoziation for Information Systems (AIS), https://aisnet.org/?SeniorScholarBasket, accessed at 07/10/2016.
The Senior Scholars' List of Premier Journals is a prestigious compilation of first-rate scientific journals recommended by leading experts in their field. This unique list provides researchers and academics with a valuable resource for accessing high-quality, trusted sources and keeping up to date with current developments in their discipline. With its focus on quality and relevance, the Senior Scholars' List of Premier Journals is a reliable guide for authors seeking prestigious publication opportunities. By regularly reviewing and updating the list, it ensures that scholars always have access to the latest findings and cutting-edge research.
In doing so, the list expands the AIS - "Basket of Eight" and was last updated on February 17, 2023. Consequently, the list expands the Literature Research to include outstanding journals in Information Systems.