- Strack, H.; Gollnick, M.; Karius, S.; Bacharach, G.; Gottlieb, M.; Pongratz, H.; Radenbach, W.; Waßmann, A.; Wefel, S.; Norder, J.J.; Fridell, T.; Stanic, M.; Schmidt, C.; Vangen, G.M.: EU CrossBorder and OOT for HEI/Edu Workflows and Infrastructures with Interoperability, Standards and Security, EUNIS, Vigo, Spain. 2023.
- Gottlieb, M.; Bacharach, G.: Cleaning Up: Interplay between European Standards and Verifiable Credentials for Higher Education Institutions, ICL 2022, Vienna, Austria 2022.
- Yang, L.; Gottlieb, M.: Gamification Mobile Applications: A Literature Review of Empirical Studies, ICL 2022, Vienna, Austria 2022.
- Gottlieb, M.; Deutsch, C.; Hoops, F.; Pongratz, H.; Krcmar, H.: Expedition to the Blockchain Application Potential for Higher Education Institutions, Blockchain: Research and Applications, (revised and resubmitted) 2022.
- Strack, H; Gollnick, M.; Karius, S.; Lips, M.; Wefel, S.; Altschaffel, R.; Bacharach, G.; Gottlieb, M.; Pongratz, H.; Radenbach, W.; Waßmann, A.: Digitization of (Higher) Education Processes: Innovations, Security and Standards, EUNIS, Göttingen, Germany, 2022.
- Gottlieb, M.; Utesch, M. C.: Publish or Perish: A Scientific Blueprint for a Journal Article, https://doi.org/10.3991/ijep.v12i3.28253, International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), open access. 2022.
- Gottlieb, M.; Pongratz, H.: Hilfestellung bei der Entwicklung einer Strategie für Digital Credentials im Bildungswesen, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-32849-8_19, Digitalisierung in Studium und Lehre gemeinsam gestalten, 317 - 334, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden,Germany, 2021.
- Deutsch, C.; Gottlieb, M.; Pongratz, H.: Adoption of E-Government Requirements to Higher Education Institutions Regarding the Digital Transformation, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82824-0_8, EGOV-CeDEM-ePart2021 (online), S. 90 – 104, Springer International Publishing. 2021.
- Bacharach, G.; Gottlieb, M.; Norder, J. J.; Pongratz, H.; Steiper, R.-D.; Radenbach, W.; Strack, H.; Waßmann, A.: Progress on Digitization of Higher Education Processes towards Standards EU & DE: Status and future Perspectives, EUNIS2021, Athen, Greece. 2021.
- Wolz, E.; Gottlieb, M.; Pongratz, H.: Digital Credentials in Higher Education Institutions: A Literature Review, 16. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2021), Essen, Germany, 2021.
- Gottlieb, M.; Pongratz, H.: Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation in der Verwaltung von Hochschuleinrichtungen: Eine Fallstudie, 1. Jahreskonferenz des Netzwerks Bessere Rechtsetzung und Bürokratieabbau, 2020, online.
- Gottlieb, M.; Engel, T.: Digital Administration Business Process Simulation Game: Identification of Key Drivers for Successful Transformation, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Midwest Association for Information Systems, 2020, Des Moines, Iowa, US - https://youtu.be/YOMaDd3jtcY.
- Baumann, A.; Gottlieb, M.; Leitel, J.; Jeschke, M.: Digitalisierung an Hochschulen: Eine Multifallstudie aus Campus Management Perspektive, https://doi.org/10.30844/wi_2020_s1-baumann, Entwicklungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung, Band 2: Proceedings der Community Tracks zur WI 2020, Potsdam, Germany.
- Huppertz, C.; Gottlieb, M.; Pongratz, H.: Analysis of a Digital Business Processes Transformation: A Case Study on Digitizing Absence Management, https://doi.org/10.30844/wi_2020_s2-huppertz, Entwicklungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung, Band 2: Proceedings der Community Tracks zur WI 2020, Potsdam, Germany.
- Pongratz, H.; Gottlieb, M.: Digital Credential Strategies in Education, Strategies Beyond Borders – Transforming Higher Education in a Digital Age, https://hochschulforumdigitalisierung.de/sites/default/files/dateien/HFD_AP_51_Strategies_Beyond_Borders_BookofAbstracts_web.pdf, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, No. 51, Dezember 2019, Berlin, Germany.
- Gottlieb, M.; Pongratz, H.: Towards Digital Business Process Models in Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study based on the Onboarding of Student Employees, MCIS Proceedings, 2019, Neaples, Italy.
- Shraideh, M.;Gottlieb, M.; Fuhrmann, I.; Kienegger, H.; Böhm, M.; Krcmar, H.:Decision Support for Data Virtualization based on Fifteen Critical Success Factors: A Methodology, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Midwest Association for Information Systems, 2019, Oshkosh, Wiskonsin, US
- Vassilakos, A.; Gottlieb, M.; Dawson, M.:Towards Crime Prevention Using Big Data Analytics: A Literature Review with an Explorative Case Study, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Midwest Association for Information Systems, 2019, Oshkosh, Wiskonsin, US.
- Gottlieb-Schaflechner, M.; Gottlieb, M.; Hagel, H.: Towards a Scenario-Based Approach for an Electronic Driving Management System Architecture: A Case Study, ForenSecure, 2019, Chicago, IL, US.
- Gottlieb, M.: Wirksamkeit von informationellen Triggern untersucht anhand von Energieverbrauchsfeedbacksystemen in Automobilen, Dissertation, Technical University of Munich, 2019, Munich, Germany.
- Faizan, N.; Gottlieb, M.; Löffler, A.; Utesch, M.; Krcmar, H.: State-of-the-Art to Measure the TPACK Level of Trainees in Higher Education to Increase the Learnability of the Train-The-Trainer Sessions, EDUCON - IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference 1 (1), 2019, Dubai, Vereinte Arabische Emirate.
- Gottlieb, M.; Utesch, M.; Böhm, M.: Beyond 2030 Challenges of Engineering Education in an Information Systems Driven World an Extraction based on Research Topics, EDUCON - IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference 1 (1), 2019, Dubai, Vereinte Arabische Emirate.
- Auer, M.; Tsiatsos, T.; Utesch, M.; Gottlieb, M.: ICL2018 Highlights by iJEP, International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy 9 (2), 4-7, 2019.
- Gottlieb, M.; Shraideh, M.; Fuhrmann, I.; Böhm, M.; Krcmar, H.: Critical Success Factors for Data Virtualization: A Literature Review, 5th International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology, 2019, Vienna, Austria.
- Köhn, T.; Gottlieb, M.; Schermann, M.; Krcmar, H.: Improving take-over quality in automated driving by interrupting non-driving tasks, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 2019, 510-517.
- Gottlieb, M.: Wirksamkeit von informationellen Triggern untersucht anhand von Energieverbrauchsfeedbacksystemen in Automobilen, 2019, München.
- Utesch, M.; Förster, K.-T.; Gottlieb, M.; Soares, F.: The IGIP Games in Engineering Education Award: At ICL 2018 Conference. 21st International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, 2018, Kos Island, Greece.
- Gottlieb, M.; Böhm, M.; Utesch, M.; Krcmar, H.: Comparison of Reaction Times of a Visual and a Haptic Cue for Teaching Eco-Driving: An Experiment to Explore the Applicability of a Smartwatch. 21st International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, 2018, Kos Island, Greece.
- Gottlieb, M.; Böhm, M.: Measurement Model for the Construct "Eco-Driving": A Mockup for Real-Time Eco-Feedback, In Proceedings of the 24th Americas Conference for Information Systems, 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 18-21.
- Gottlieb, M.; Böhm, M.; Krcmar, H.: Analyzing Measures for the Construct “Energy- Conscious Driving”: A Synthesized Measurement Model to Operationalize Eco-Feedback, In Proceedings of the 20nd Pacific Asia Conference for Information Systems, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2018.
- Gottlieb, M.; Zarnitz, P.; Böhm, M.; Krcmar, H.: Context-Dependent Information Elements in the Car: Explorative Analysis of Static and Dynamic Head-Up-Displays, In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference, 2018, Saint Louis, Missouri May 17-18.
- Gottlieb, M.; Mateusz, B.; Böhm, M.; Krcmar, H.: Erhebungsinstrument zur Messung der Nutzungsmotivation von Energieverbrauchsanzeigen im Automobil, In Proceedings of Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI): Research-in-Progress- und Poster-Beiträge, Nissen, V.; Stelzer, D.; Straßburger, S.; Fischer, D. (Hrsg.), Ilmenau. 2016.
- Gottlieb, M.: Experimental Research on the Influence of Informational Triggers on Driving Behavior, In Proceeding of Wirtschaftsinformatik Doctoral Consortium, Hrsg.: Winkelmann A., Osnabrück. 2015.
- Markl, V.; Löser, A.; Hoeren, T.; Krcmar, H.; Hemsen, H.; Schermann, M.; Gottlieb, M.; Buchmüller, C.; Uecker, P.: Innovationspotentialanalyse für die neuen Technologien für das Verwalten und Analysieren von großen Datenmengen (Big Data Management), Berlin, München, Münster. 2013.